Typical for December, Santa Monica inventory <$3M is down 19% for the month, Pacific Palisades <$2M is down 17%, and Palms-Mar Vista is down 18%. Total Westside inventory is down 17% to 1,329.
Year-to-year Santa Santa Monica inventory <$3M is down 22%, and Pacific Palisades <$2M is down 42%. Palms-Mar Vista was up 13%, and total Westside up 4% from early February 2007 when I started tracking those.
A reason for the decreases is fewer new listings. New listings in Santa Monica <$3M Apr-Dec 2006 were 237, but Apr-Dec 2007 were only 176, a 26% drop. Note also how stale the unsold listings have become (DOM column).
Well, that wraps 2007.
LA County Santa Monica Pacific Palisades Mar Vista
<$3M New Tot DOM<$2M New Tot DOM Tot New DOM
_________ _______________ _______________ ___________
1/30/06 27,732
2/28/06 29,420
3/31/06 31,819
4/21/06 33,054 35
5/ 1/06 34,032 38 33
6/ 2/06 37,847 56 36 38
6/30/06 42,317 66 40 49
8/ 4/06 45,315 70 34 50
9/ 1/06 46,781 71 27 59
10/ 6/06 47,369 83 25 98 71
11/ 3/06 45,780 80 20 91 77
12/ 1/06 43,103 65 18 72 96 39 20
1/ 5/07 35,646 54 4 60 117 33 6 71 66
2/ 2/07 36,715 38 15 45 124 29 16 61 71
3/ 2/07 41,251 42 14 51 114 26 10 68 79 53 25 76
4/ 6/07 42,857 41 23 49 107 18 8 73 103 52 52 50
5/ 4/07 45,918 46 28 54 92 19 6 82 79 68 37 52
6/ 1/07 52,198 50 25 61 78 17 15 87 78 77 39 53
6/30/07 52,769 42 18 56 81 17 11 92 77 74 33 61
8/ 3/07 54,166 53 28 68 86 23 12 78 76 84 39 68
8/31/07 57,432 57 21 72 98 18 7 69 75 90 40 79
9/28/07 58,973 59 17 74 103 26 9 90 81 87 20 87
11/ 2/07 58,731 62 19 81 120 29 7 106 77 98 35 88
11/30/07 59,108 52 14 67 136 23 11 88 94 96 23 96
12/31/07 53,475 42 5 53 148 19 2 73 119 79 13 116

2/9 4/6 6/1 8/3 9/28 11/30
3/1 5/4 6/30 8/31 11/2 12/31
Bel Air-H.Hls.86 86 92 100 103 99 86 99 104 104 86 64
Bev.Ctr.-M.M. 64 57 48 53 54 65 64 67 75 75 73 59
Beverly Hills 67 70 56 46 53 49 59 61 62 58 65 56
B.H. P.O. 94 91 92 88 93 95 92 94 90 93 85 75
B'wood Vic. 35 36 31 39 38 41 42 46 50 59 57 48
Brentwood 67 71 73 75 72 68 86 77 89 96 90 65
Chev.-R.Pk.'8'22 20 19 22 23 22 26 20 28 23 27 20
Culver City 35 25 20 28 33 36 41 48 49 46 39 32
Malibu 178 181 192 199 206 220 224 216 216 209 209 181
Malibu Beach 42 44 51 52 56 58 54 45 43 45 43 41
Marina Del Rey20 20 20 27 29 28 26 27 26 22 19 23
Pac.Palisades 64 68 73 82 87 92 78 69 90 106 88 73
Palms-M.Vista 62 53 52 68 77 73 84 90 87 98 96 79
Playa Del Rey 7 8 17 20 21 20 21 24 29 27 26 25
Playa Vista 3 2 3 1 3 5 4 9 8 10 7 5
Santa Monica 50 50 49 53 61 57 68 72 74 81 67 53
Sunset-Hwd.H.155 178 159 166 180 168 187 184 215 226 214 183
Topanga 39 41 36 43 45 54 49 54 55 52 49 39
Venice 64 64 57 68 70 72 69 68 68 84 75 54
W.H'wood Vic. 23 32 25 36 42 41 40 36 49 52 49 41
West L.A. 19 21 25 24 25 34 31 36 40 37 30 21
Westchester 53 46 47 45 53 52 62 72 82 78 73 68
W'wood-C.City 33 44 37 42 33 34 29 37 42 50 33 24
____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Total 1282 1274 1457 1522 1671 1600
1308 1377 1483 1551 1731 1329
Month-month incr. 2% -3% 8% 6% 2% 3% 2% 8% 4% -8%-17%
LA County inventory via OC Renter. Santa Monica Days on Market (DOM) is for <$3M, and omits Santa Monica Canyon (in City of Los Angeles but S.M. Post Office). Pacific Palisades DOM is for <$2M and count omits mobile homes. "New" is for previous month, or month-to-date for current partial month.
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